AltCitY Calgary < facebook page link
Started By Brad Sysko Kidd and Joined by Others to bring to you some of Calgary's Music and Art industry by sharing our knowledge and experience Through Interviews with local talent, Show reviews, Band Of the Week from many genres spanning from Punk , Metal and of course Alternative. Along with other Alternative attributes this city has to offer about Art, Modelling, Tattoos and more! Artists helping artists is all we are about!
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Friday, 28 March 2014

Interview with Matt Blais !! :)

BSK-hey how goes it?

Matt Blais

good boss how r u

BSK-I am doing great

Matt Blais

ok, fire away

BSK-Shweet man! .. First I want to know what you beginning in music was and if you can tell me about
your journey with Calgary music.

Matt Blais
Essentially, when I was young I didn't even think about being a musician. I was really into animals and wanted to be a marine biologist. When I saw the movie Free Willy, I wanted to be just like the kid and that kid had a harmonica. So I begged for one. That was my first musical instrument.

Matt Blais
Obviously I didn't talk to any whales with it but, years later when I started really listening to music, I discovered guys like Bob Dylan and Tom Petty who were song writers and they played harmonica. I thought it would be pretty interesting to give that a try. So I learned guitar and started a few bands. I wanted to play live even though we were terrible, but, we got better and better and eventually people were asking US to play gigs instead of us begging them. That has grown into the career I have today. It was all very gradual and accidental.

BSK-I love harmonica! I have been messing around with my Honers for a while . My favorite song of yours is " Goodbye sunshine"  The harmonica in the song is great! What was your inspiration for that track?

Matt Blais
Thanks! I'm pretty proud of that track. It came out of some tough times with band members and stress of trying to get things going in the face of adversity. It's definitely a song about naivety and loss of innocence. Goodbye to the rosey glow and hello to the harsh reality of this business. I've gotten bluesier as my career has grown and I thought that genre was the perfect vehicle for that theme and those words.

BSK-Do you have any big plans for the future with your music?

Matt Blais
Of course. I think the life of a musician is all about "big plans." In a week I head down to L.A to take part of MusExpo - We're hoping some great things will come out of that. A new music vid is in the works. I'm writing again, which is nice. So a new record is in it's seedling phase. I always have plans to tour. Basically, a whole bunch of smaller plans create the ultimate big plan.

BSK-I am stoked for ya man! that sounds like we have a ton to look forward to  as I usually have local musicians reading this blog do you have as an established musician in Calgary any advice for up and coming artists?

Matt Blais
The advice that's worked for me is "never be satisfied."  Knowing that you can always get more out of yourself, be it emotion or creativity, will always propel you forward. The desire to make each show more entertaining for the audience will get you the gigs you want. No artist should ever be too comfortable.

BSK-Sounds great to me , Always push yourself  is there anything you would like to say to the readers before I get to my last question?

Matt Blais
I suppose just, thanks for reading, thanks for listening and keep supporting the artists you love.

BSK-Right on! and now my favorite question ! What would you do in a zombie apocalypse ??
Hahaha, excellent question.  I think I'd be the kind of person to always keep moving. Gather a small group of trustworthy people with diverse skills and bounce from resource to resource. I'm not sure but I think could survive for quite some time . . .but then again everyone thinks that . . .until they get bit.

BSK-great answer!! Thanks for the interview man!! It was really fun!
thank you sir!

Matt Blais
it was indeed
BSK-Cheers man! it will be posted today ! thanks again!

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