AltCitY Calgary < facebook page link
Started By Brad Sysko Kidd and Joined by Others to bring to you some of Calgary's Music and Art industry by sharing our knowledge and experience Through Interviews with local talent, Show reviews, Band Of the Week from many genres spanning from Punk , Metal and of course Alternative. Along with other Alternative attributes this city has to offer about Art, Modelling, Tattoos and more! Artists helping artists is all we are about!
Welcome to our Look at local Calgary awesome!!

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Best jam night out ever!!!

It has been a little while since I have had time enough to be able to write but I will say that my life has been rather boring and I could not give two fucks to share about things but this weekend I can say was  fucking interesting .. well not so much Friday when we went to Atlas pizza and got escorted out because my girls hair is pink and blue so they decided her id was a fake.. But the date night worked itself out when Dover pizza on memorial drive and 52nd n.e fucking loved us and the food was undeniably delicious .. Congrats Dover pizza and our server who was the greatest I have ever experienced :)

K now to the best jam night ever .. well a house party / jam night .. I have been online friends with a portion of these people  so was everyone else really.. So it was more of a musician meet and greet which is fucking rad to me! .. Jammers from other bands and even myself enjoyed some of the best dip I could imagine, get down to drinkin and rock the fuck out till the wee hours of the morning with not a single complaint!! We gotta do more of this in this city because I know that it will bring together soo many new projects!!


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