AltCitY Calgary < facebook page link
Started By Brad Sysko Kidd and Joined by Others to bring to you some of Calgary's Music and Art industry by sharing our knowledge and experience Through Interviews with local talent, Show reviews, Band Of the Week from many genres spanning from Punk , Metal and of course Alternative. Along with other Alternative attributes this city has to offer about Art, Modelling, Tattoos and more! Artists helping artists is all we are about!
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Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Interview with Skeleton War!!

So I found one of the most eclectic bands from here in Calgary and had a chat with the band! Check it out!!

SW-Hi, if you want to do interviews, my band is new, but we've got some hype in our niche
BSK-Fuckin eh! that is what I like to promote is new bands .. What is it that you do?
SW-Were an all queer horrorfolk cabaret called skeleton war
BSK-Well that sounds fucking great!!  I am totally down to do an interview that sounds fun!

SW-Yeah man lol
BSK-Are you familliar with the interviews that I do? If not it is about 10 plus questions including some random stuff but I have a feeling this one will be random enough lol .. all just on fb chat and I edit it after so it fits on the blog

SW-Nice, sounds good
The whole team is here

BSK-Oh fuckin eh! Well if you are in We can get started .. just let me grab a brew and a smoke and get goin?

SW-Go for it
BSK-Alrighty then good to go .. k first question because I have no idea what horrorfolk is can you guys please enlighten me?
I have never heard of it

SW-We argued about it a while
it is Lots of yelling and banjo, its like horrorcore and folk punk

BSK-How did you guys come about as a group?

SW-Teca, our ukelele player and I met at an anime con in '13 and jammed for about a year, then we met Megan, a washboard playing metalhead, and it all clicked

BSK-I have never come across a story like that in my life lol that is pure gold! .. For the readers .. Can you tell them where they can find you to check out this awesome mix that personally I would love to see too!?

SW-We have a Facebook, it just hit 100 the other day,
We update it whenever we have a show or are going busking
that would be
Skeleton War
That's us
BSK-So you said " All queer horrorfolk cabaret" .. How did you end up with that?

Uhm We're pretentious youth , Long genre = we show up in more searches
Hell, our name is a meme
BSK-Is there any shows coming up so that my readers and I can come and check out?
SW-Not yet! Meg and Teca just started school, so were focusing on our first CD
Which will be available online from ukelele horror records in Rhode island
As soon as we figure out how to record

BSK-Well if you want I have some great connections here in town and I would love to book a show and have you on the bill 'cause this sounds awesome to me ! ..
Whenever you are ready to gig.

SW-That'd be so rad, but half the band is 17
So ya know

BSK-Not a problem . take your time there are many all ages shows too .. anyway back to the questions  .. Speed round time ! haha .. What is a band that influences You?

SW-Against me, andrew Jackson jihad, Amanda palmer, Steve martin, and kanye
Lots of underground folk punk too, especially stick and poke and tale teller heart from Toronto

BSK-Well that is quite the eclectic grouping lol right on! .. Who would you want to play with at a show living or dead?

SW-Earl Scruggs, and against me! local band pervecore, love the way they perform, and the Dresden dolls
BSK-I love Pervcore too they killed it at my anniversary/birthday party haha I will get you two together sometime if you want  ..
What would you do if there was a zombie apocalypse??
I want an answer from each of ya!

SW-We have a group plan
Head east, steal all the drugs and booze we can, head north, stay where its too cold for zombies
If they reach us all the way at my aunts island cabin, at least we won't die sober
BSK-If it as an island and they try making it swiming they will fall apart pretty quick ! Good idea! ... What is the future for you guys after the first album?

SW-Our second album?
We don't know what skeleton war can achieve, I try not to think about it, its just something we do because its fun
Most practices are just us making dumb skeleton jokes and coming up with ways to be ooky spooky

BSK-Well that sounds fun! I wish you guys well with one of the most eclectic sounding ideas I personally have ever heard of!! Thanks for the interview !!

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